best vitamins for recovering drug addicts

Known to treat depression, SAM-e is needed to boost serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. These are some of the most common vitamins for heroin addiction as well as for addiction to other opiates. Mental health is essential to the success of any treatment program. Fueling our bodies with the best nutritional sources can help to heal mental health disorders. Treating co-occurring disorders in tandem is the best way to a successful recovery. B vitamins may aid in addiction recovery because they may alleviate some of the worst symptoms of withdrawal and recovery.

How Addiction Causes Vitamin Deficiencies

Unfortunately, heavy drinking and drug use inhibit the body’s ability to absorb these nutrients. In general, individuals fighting with alcohol addiction can safely take B1 (thiamine). A multivitamin supplement can also provide an adequate dosage of B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine). Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is another important piece of the puzzle that can usually be consumed through a normal, healthy diet.

Which Vitamins and Supplements Might Help With Opioid Use Disorder?

  • Substance misuse can have many long-term effects on health and nutrition.
  • Methods of post-program maintenance such as methadone treatment may not be useful unless people restore vitamins and minerals.
  • They’re included in my Free Grocery Shopping Guide for Optimal Brain and Mental Health.
  • The alcohol affects the growing baby by crossing the placenta.

Vitamin C is a powerhouse for healing and repair, helping to mend the damage done by years of substance abuse. B vitamins, particularly B12 and folate, are crucial for brain health and can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Minerals like magnesium and zinc play vital roles in neurotransmitter function and can help stabilize mood. Calcium, Vitamins C, CB, and magnesium will help you to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Then, you should start to take supplements and lean protein along with the above-mentioned vitamins. Gradually you should take a protein-containing and nutritionally dense diet plan to trigger the healing process.

The Necessary Nutrients for Drug Detox

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a healthy diet consists of a mix of proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products. A balanced diet provides the essential vitamins and minerals you need to nourish the brain, which relies on a constant supply of fuel for proper functioning. Similar to a car running on premium fuel, your brain requires high-quality foods and recovery supplements to protect against stress and positively impact your mood.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  • Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches.
  • Reach out if you have any questions on our products or on magnesium for addiction.
  • Taking a vitamin C supplement can help you feel better, which is essential to maintaining your sobriety.
  • On the flip side, low magnesium increases the risk of forming addictions and makes cessation and recovery more difficult.
  • For example, a disease called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (“wet brain”) occurs when heavy alcohol use causes a lack of vitamin B1.

Exercise is another healing method during withdrawal and recovery that helps detoxify your body while also boosting the production of endorphins in your brain. This will minimize cravings so you are less likely to relapse. As you can see, most of the nutrients your body needs are found in vegetables.

It’s Not the Drug Cravings, You’re Just Hungry

best vitamins for recovering drug addicts

Mega doses of vitamin C are effective at preventing colds and relieving symptoms of gout, cardiovascular disease and macular degeneration. Recovering from a mental illness can improve many conditions and help an individual achieve a full and satisfying life. According to SAMHSA, there are four major dimensions to vitamins for recovering alcoholics a successful recovery. It is also important to get medical advice if you are not feeling well. A doctor can run tests that can help determine which vitamins you are missing and get you on a vitamin regimen that can allow you to feel better. More is not always better, and vitamins can have side effects as well.

best vitamins for recovering drug addicts

Addiction can cause you to eat too little or choose foods that lack key vitamins and minerals. Chemical substances also make it harder for your body to absorb these nutrients. Good nutrition can be a strong ally on the road to recovery from drug addiction. The right food can not only mitigate drug damage but also help the former abuser feel stronger.

best vitamins for recovering drug addicts

How Does Nutrition And Supplementation Impact Addiction?

Whether in an inpatient or outpatient program, evidence-based addiction treatment can lead to positive health outcomes. If you’re ready to start searching for rehab, consider visiting the treatment directory. Our powerful online resource can help you search nationwide for suitable rehab centers. Substance misuse disorders often co-occur with other mental and behavioral health issues, including eating disorders. Dual diagnosis treatment centers can diagnose and treat both the eating disorder and the substance use disorder with integrated programs.

Structure can provide a great deal of relief for those in recovery from addiction. Organization and order are in direct contrast to the lives that those suffering from addiction lead when they’re actively using. Having a structured and organized schedule to stick to can help ease the uncertainty of everyday life.